Monday, September 26, 2016

The Muse is not Amused

He's actually kind of mad at me. :/ My thinking was that since The Muse isn't really spooky or any way Halloween-y, I'd get that promo out of the way early. Layne would like me to point out that the whole thing was very traumatizing and horrible for him-

I was chased by a DOG, Lalla. A determined monster-dog that chased me over hill and over dale and into a CAVE. In what way is that not 'spooky'? Huh? Well?

Yeah, he's actually kind of bitchy about it. He'll live.

You can make him feel better though, by going to download your free copy of The Muse any time between now and Sebtember 30th. And maybe leaving a review.

A CAVE! IT WAS DARK! I'm so glad you were removed from the situation, but I WASN'T, and it was AWFUL.

Please. He'll never shut up otherwise.

I didn't get no sleep 'cuz of you, you're gonna get no sleep 'cuz of me!

Yeah. That's my life now. It sucks. Pity me.


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